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Imagine a world where that nutritious food has been regulated almost out of existence and is no longer available to anyone except the very wealthy.
That world is no longer that hard to imagine.
Each year more ordinances, laws, and regulations are put into effect that change how we can raise animals used for food.
Even though many of these changes don’t provide better animal welfare, they are still put into place as a way for people to feel like they are being “good” and making a difference.
That difference being made is the difference in whether people can afford to feed their families or not.
Those making these changes are often not affected by them.
Their families are shielded from the effects of raising the price of eggs a few dollars a dozen.
Those not shielded are the ones who rely on large-scale animal agriculture to provide affordable, safe, and nutritious food while they are on a budget.
America has been blessed with wealth and prosperity, but we still have a large population of people that live paycheck to paycheck or on a fixed income due to circumstances out of their control.
Some people say that Protect The Harvest is controversial.
We speak the truth,
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