Arizona off-highway vehicle study committee extension to 2025
Senate Bill 1055 was introduced by Republican Senator Sine Kerr, district 25, and aims to extend the duration of the Arizona Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Study Committee for an additional year.
Established in 2022 in response to OHV issues around Sedona, Arizona, the Arizona OHV Study Committee is mandated to study and gather information concerning OHV issues within the state. The committee is required to submit an annual report outlining its activities and recommendations for legislative or administrative actions that will impact use of over 24 million acres of public lands across the state.
The group consists of individuals with extreme bias towards the operation of motorized vehicles on federal lands who have openly expressed their desire to eliminate or strictly limit motorized use of existing roads. The Committee also contains “representatives” of the off-road industry and community that support and bolster Travel Management Planning and Ecotourism efforts in Arizona.
Committee members
The Arizona Off-Highway Vehicle Study Committee conducts various activities and consists of members with specific roles and affiliations. Here’s an ordered list of the committee’s members:
Here is a list of committee Members:
House Representatives:
David L Cook (Co-Chair)
Myron Tsosie
Senate Members:
Sine Kerr (Co-Chair)
Christine Marsh
Other Members:
DeAnna Bindley – Sedona, Arizona Resident (public member knowledgeable about outdoor recreation issues, appointed by the President of the Senate)
Becki Ross – Sedona, Arizona Cattle Rancher (public member knowledgeable about outdoor recreation issues, appointed by the President of the Senate)
Chris Judson – Vice President of Polaris Off Road Utility (representative of off-highway vehicle manufacturer or retailer, appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives)
Matt Caldwell – Tread Lightly! (representative of off-highway vehicle organization or recreational group, appointed by the President of the Senate)
J.C. Sanders – Arizona Peace Trail (representative of off-highway vehicle organization or recreational group, appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives)
Shawn Clark – Happy Trails Adventure Company of Arizona (representative of off-highway vehicle rental company, appointed by the President of the Senate)
John Koleszar – Arizona Deer Association (representative of organization representing hunting, fishing, or similar outdoor sports activity, appointed by the Governor)
Benny Aja – Coconino County Farm Bureau – President (representative of farming and agriculture industry, appointed by the Governor)
Bob Broscheid (Director, Arizona State Parks Board or designee)
Ty Gray (Director, Arizona Game and Fish Department or designee)
David Rhodes – Yavapia County Sheriff (law enforcement officer enforcing off-highway vehicle laws, appointed by the Governor)
Jennifer Toth (Director, Department of Transportation or designee)
Vacant (Commissioner of the State Land Department or designee)
Extension of Study Committee:
The bill extends the duration of the Study Committee until May 31, 2025, providing an additional year for the committee to fulfill its objectives.
Effective Date:
The bill becomes effective on the general effective date.
Call the sponsors of this Bill and your district legislators to voice your opinion
Below is the actual text of the Bill from the State Legislature.
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