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One of the country’s most prominent animal welfare groups is sitting on hundreds of millions of dollars — including millions in offshore Caribbean accounts — and doling out six-figure salaries to employees while giving just 2% of its budget to pet shelters, according to an explosive new report.
The Center for the Environment and Welfare (CEW), a newly formed think tank, announced this week the launch of a paid media campaign to “expose the duplicity” of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), a nonprofit with the stated mission of preventing animal cruelty throughout the United States.
The ASPCA has become a household name through its tear-jerking commercials showing images of abused dogs and cats in need of help with Sarah McLachlan singing a sad song in the background. According to CEW, however, the ASCPA is focused more on enriching itself and pushing a radical political agenda than helping pets in need.
“We’re concerned about misinformation and a lack of information about the true agenda of the ASCPA,” CEW executive director Jack Hubbard told Fox News Digital in an interview. “We’re trying to educate the public about who this group is and who it’s not.”
CEW’s media campaign, which is currently a six-figure expenditure but will grow into a million-dollar effort,
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