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I recently read that livestock farmers, large animal veterinarians, shareholders, food processors, and consumers must yield to the superior agricultural wisdom and virtue of billionaire Carl Icahn on how to grow hogs. According to “MoneyWeek,” March 12, “Carl Icahn: ‘King Kong’ takes a bite of McDonald’s,” he seeks to “secure his legacy.”
This Wall Street ‘corporate raider’ is imposing his animal husbandry acumen to make a revised name for himself, now dictating sow housing practices, and driving up food costs amid hyper food inflation. Mr. Icahn is credited with not pulling punches, so neither will I.
Like Mr. Icahn, I am neither a livestock producer nor a veterinarian. Unlike Mr. Icahn, I have experienced poverty and hunger as a mother and have dedicated my life’s work to ensuring that, regardless of income, everyone has consistent access to safe, affordable, and nutritious food. Mr. Icahn uses his influence to break up companies to build on his ever expanding $16B empire. I use mine to ensure that those who know hunger have access to the rooms where the policies that directly impact their lives are discussed, debated, and decided.
Are we supposed to allow Mr.
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