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Several Factors Contribute to Loss of Farm Land
The USDA report attributes the loss of land to several factors, including urbanization, climate change, and declining profitability. As cities continue to grow and expand, farmland is often gobbled up for residential or commercial uses, limiting farmers’ land options for producing food and fiber. Additionally, recent droughts, floods, and other extreme weather events present challenges for farmers and ranchers in their efforts to maintain crop and livestock production. Additionally, declining farm, ranch and dairy profitability has created a more challenging business and economic environment for farmers and ranchers, making it harder for them to maintain their landholdings, as they struggle to make ends meet in an increasingly competitive global marketplace.
The Bigger Picture
The loss of farmland is a significant concern, as it has implications for the broader economy and environment. Agriculture is a vital sector of the economy, providing jobs and food security for millions of Americans. Furthermore, farmland plays a critical role in maintaining biodiversity and protecting the environment,
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