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Agenda 21 is the name of the UN published white-paper produced after the Rio Earth Summit held in June, 1992. It outlines a socialist plan for a “sustainable” world in the 21st Century. The Rio Earth Summit was billed as a world conference on the catastrophic global environmental issues facing mankind, and the blueprint for a sustainable 21st century. In reality the Rio Summit was a blueprint for the future of mankind where the U.S. Constitution, American national sovereignty and constitutionally guaranteed unalienable rights are eliminated and replaced by a Marxist world government controlled by a powerful cartel of international financial elites.
To Americans sustainability of the environment and creating a more equitable world are buzz words for the destruction of the middle-class through income re-distribution, applying impossibly restrictive regulations that destroy the concept of private property and the deliberate de-industrialization of America and Western Europe through international trade organizations such as NAFTA, GATT, The WTO, North American Union and The European Union that transfer our industrial production to communist, and socialist third world countries.
Under Agenda 21 many of America’s activities are listed as “unsustainable and targeted for elimination by 2030:
All private property ownership & rights
All forms of crop irrigation, pesticides and commercial fertilizers except when approved for big agribusiness (Monsanto, ADM, etc.)
Livestock production and most meat consumption ( living in a vegetarian world )
Privately owned vehicles and personal travel
Burning of fossil fuels for energy production or personal vehicular travel
Single family homes and suburban communities
Most forms of mineral extraction (mining) and public lands timber harvesting
Dams, reservoirs, golf courses, ski lodges and vacation resorts
The permanent human population needs to be reduced to fewer than 1 billion people
Globalist President George H.W. Bush signed the Rio Accords at the 1992 Earth Summit on behalf of the United States. Within months Cabinet level agencies and U.N. sponsored Non-Governmental Organizations started embedding policies of sustainable development into bureaucratic regulations and Congressional lobbying efforts. Shortly after his inauguration in 1993, President Bill Clinton created the President’s Council on Sustainable Development by executive order. By making “sustainable development” a permanent feature of all Federal policy within the Administrative Branch, he effectively bypassed Congress and threw the Agenda 21 implementation process into high gear, forever changing the mission of Federal agencies from “serving the people” to “serving the environment”. Although Agenda 21 was never ratified by the Senate as required by law, 95% of all Federal regulations are tied to UN Agenda 21/2030 sustainability policies that target American sovereignty.
Sustainable Destruction – Exposing UN Agenda 21 in Rural America
(Censored by Youtube!)
Complete Presentation of UN Agenda 21 by Dan Happel
Guests: Dr. Michael Coffman and Michael Shaw
The Replacement of local governments and elected officials with Regionally Appointed governments. Known as COGs (Councils of Governments), they are straight out of the ICLEI (the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) sustainable development playbook. COGs have one purpose: end local, democratically elected governments and replace them with autocratically controlled regional bureaucracies willing to promote sustainability and one world government.
September 25, 2018
SUSTAINABLE DEEP STATE wading around in the D.C. swamp
Truth and common sense, protection of our civil society, property rights and liberty have become distant memories in the deep state world of globalist social planners.
Every possible opportunity to create conflict between social, racial, religious, political and gender groups has been employed by socialist planners in an effort to create chaos within our society…….all the while claiming to save us from ourselves and promote “social justice”. The Deep State is synonymous with Marxist/communist/socialist government control of every aspect of our personal lives and is the progenitor of the sustainability movement and UN Agenda 21.
See the original presentation here