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The National Park Service for Lake Mead National Recreation Area has released an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Low Water Access Plan. Hundreds of comments were submitted at the end of 2022 in opposition to several of the proposed concepts which would have essentially removed all motorized access and recreation infrastructure. The release of the EA shows that the Superintendent is listening to recreation users and BRC appreciates all who have engaged to make our voices heard.
NPS has analyzed 3 alternatives. The preferred alternative, Alternative 1 is what BRC and our members were advocating for throughout the last comment period. We shared our support for allocating funding from emergency appropriations with members of Congress , and we are encouraged to see that maintaining launch ramps and infrastructure is possible due to the funding allocation Lake Mead received.
Alternative 1 will continue current management which is preferred over the other alternatives which would decommission resources and infrastructure, which would limit recreation access. Although Alternative 1 is the best proposed alternative and a major step in the right direction, BRC is still advocating for a stronger look into providing management solutions which would sustain recreation access in unprecedented water years when water levels drop and explore expanding recreation access where opportunities arise. Please send a letter to the National Park Service below.
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