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POCATELLO, ID – BlueRibbon Coalition (BRC) held its annual Board Meeting and Membership Meeting this last weekend in Las Vegas, NV where it has been tradition to hold the meeting during the annual SEMA show. During the meeting Spencer Gilbert and Rebecca Antle were elected to serve as members of the BlueRibbon Coalition Board of Directors. The Board of Directors also held its election of officers. Ranch Pratt is elected to serve as the President of the Board. Shannon Welch is elected to serve as the organization’s Vice President. Rebecca Antle will serve another term as Secretary. And Crystal Crowder is elected to be the Treasurer. The future of BlueRibbon Coalition is strong as this team brings deep experience and new ideas with them to advance its mission of fighting to keep public lands open for the public.
As all forms of outdoor recreation explode in popularity, BlueRibbon Coalition is positioned to play an outsized role in shaping public policy for outdoor recreation access in the years to come. The Board and staff spent several days exploring ways to create more unity among outdoor recreation advocacy groups, ways to educate and inspire the public to support outdoor recreation, and ways to push back against the relentless efforts to restrict public access to public land.
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