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Do the almost 4 million residents of the City of Los Angeles know their city is being controlled by animal rights extremists? Are the people they elected representing them or are they simply pushing their personal ideological agenda? Why are members of the Los Angeles City Council allowing the radical ideology of only a few council members run the city?
Pony rides, rodeo and animal exhibitions, circus animals, horse racing, pushing unhealthy vegan dog food for Los Angeles City shelter dogs, banning the sale of fur, banning products using animal research via the promotion of “Cruelty Free Los Angeles” are all campaigns certain city council members have been involved with in recent years. What do these animal extremist campaigns have to do with making the city of Los Angeles a good place to live for its residents and the people that the city council members are supposed to be representing and supporting? The answer is nothing but harm, especially since the actual percentage of vegan animal extremists in the population is only 2%. Why are they ignoring the other 98% of their constituents?
Los Angeles City Council Honors Radical Animal Extremist Group
Los Angeles City Council honored radical animal extremist group Mercy for Animals, claiming that the group “exposed the horrors of” large modern farms. The article by Jane Unchained, a radical vegan animal extremist,
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