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Navigating high school and college may be notoriously difficult times, especially in today’s world where controversial topics are constantly dividing young people. This divisiveness is often prevalent among young agriculturalists. False information spread about agriculture can be confusing and isolating to students who are from farming and ranching families, or are looking to pursue a career in the family business. The steady stream of “fake news” ultimately builds a wall between students and their peers who disagree with their perspective.
Thankfully, agriculture organizations across the United States have created a welcoming community for like-minded students who love agriculture. This has created a place where they can feel comfortable sharing their way of life and viewpoints. The most common of these organizations are Future Farmers of America (FFA) and 4-H. Both of these groups are nationwide and may be joined on local and/or national levels. In addition, they provide students with the ability to become a part of a larger agriculture community during high school and college. In some cases, even into future careers, access to a welcoming place with other young agriculturalists is critical for many of these students who have nowhere else to turn when they are ridiculed for their way of life.
FFA and 4-H are not alone.
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